2016年10月3日 星期一

台南「烏山頭」這個地方,在荷蘭甘治士牧師的《A short Description of the Isle of Formosa福爾摩沙島簡述》,中是記為「The osany」,「osany」就是「烏山頭」。

依甘治士牧師所記「osany烏山頭」是台南地區大明漢人的領土,他在那裡見到一個生病的男人脖子被人用繩子反覆吊上天花板再將他摔死。(how I once saw them my self handle one of their sick men, in the canton of The osany. …………they ty'd a rope about his neck, and so drawing him up quite to the ceiling, let him fall again all on a sudden to hasten his death.


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